Agenzia Stampa Aspapress

Autorizzazione Tribunale di Forlì 6/91 del 8 marzo 1991 - Anno XXXII - Registro Nazionale della Stampa 02659 - Registro Operatori Comunicazioni n. 1187 - Direttore Editoriale e responsabile Enzo Fasoli - Casella postale 19152 - 00173 Roma Cinecittà est - Responsabile dati: Carlo Carbone - Capo redattore Cristiano Rocchi. Associazione Periodici Associati: Presidente Enzo Fasoli - Responsabile settore: Angelo Misseri - Redazione: Vincenzo Giannone, Daniela Zappavigna.

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25 settembre 2019

BANDO The Showcase 2020 call announced by the Egri Foundation for Dance has the main purpose to host, support, disseminate and promote the new creations of young choreographers, encouraging the creation of innovative choreographic


The Showcase 2020 call announced by the Egri Foundation for Dance has the  main purpose to host, support, disseminate and promote the new creations of young choreographers, encouraging the creation of innovative choreographic projects inspired by the contemporaneity and to  support the on stage activity.
The project involves young European choreographers and it is addressed to create a short-format Opera or First Study with a maximum duration of 15 minutes to be created and projected for Compagnia EgriBiancoDanza dancers
The Egri Foundation for Dance offers a 15-day hospitality period in its Turin headquarters
It is  articulated as an accompaniment path to creation where the selected artists will get the opportunity to meet experts from different background experience, that will put their knowledge and know-how available through group seminars and specific meetings, with the purpose of supporting and realize individual choreographic projects.

Project recipients
Italian and European citizens between the ages of 18 and 35 will be admitted for selection.


To participate  the selection, the following documents need to be sent:
1) description of the choreographic project
2) phases of work development with indication of the relative realization times (15 days)
3) video documentation of recent performative activity
4) curriculum vitae
The documentation requested must be sent to the following address:
no later than 31/10/2019

A maximum of two projects will be selected
The results of the selection, carried out by a special commission, will be communicated by e-mail by  30/11/2019 and will be published on the website
The selected coreographer will be personally contacted by Fondazione Egri when the final result will be published
The photographic material and video sent to us will not be returned and in case of being selected we keep the chance to use it with the purpose  to advertise the project itself

Project development
The two selected projects will be given the opportunity to be developed with the dancers of the EgriBiancoDanza Company, a high-level professional company made up of 10 stable dancers. The Egri Foundation also guarantees artists a space for tests and basic technical assistance within the headquarters of the EgriBiancoDanza Company.
The period of hospitality is scheduled for 15 days and during this period the choreographers will be supported by tutors.
The working period will be within February and March 2020
For the selected choreographers it will be provided a recruitment contract with the qualification of choreographer and a fee of 700 euros net
The choreographers who request it will receive artistic advice and choreographic supervision from the artistic direction of the EgriBiancoDanza Company.

At the end of the hospitality period, the projects will be presented to the public within the Showcase exhibition. The show will be on stage as a national preview at the Casa Teatro Ragazzi e Giovani in Turin, in the evening of March 7 2020 inside the season IPUNTIDANZA 2019/202
The creation will also be presented in June 2020 in the Cross Festival of Verbania, an international event dedicated to Performing Arts organized by LIS LAB Performing Arts at Teatro il Maggiore di Verbania.
All costs related to the participation of the choreographer in the training course (travel expenses, meals and lodging) will be fully paid by the Foundation.
The creation of costumes, scenes, staging and production of the work will be discussed with the artistic direction and totally at the expense of the Foundation.
The costs of promotion and communication will be at the charge of the Foundation.
The work will become part of the repertoire of Compagnia EgriBiancoDanza and will remain there for 5 years, it may also have further development work.

Promotion and visibility
For the benefit and support of the selected projects, a series of specific actions will be activated to promote the new choreographies and the artists involved
creation of specific information material on paper and website
communication throughout social network
diffusion throughout the Foundation's press office
production of video material
inclusion of the finalist projects in the official website
accompanied by the show and presentation of the authors
e/o edizione cartacea e successiva online
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