7th Sardinian International Summer School From GWAS to function
An exciting forum dedicated to cover theory and practice of state-of-the-art approaches towards the identification of the genetic bases of human diseases, particularly related to complex and monogenic traits. Topics will include: Genetics of Autoimmunity, B cell and T cell Receptors analysis, Whole genome, RNA and Single Cell Sequencing, Microbiome and Metagenome analysis, Population Genetics, Genetics of Aging Faculty: Goncalo Abecasis (USA), Myles Axton (USA), Rachael Bashford-Rogers (UK), Francesco Cucca (Italy), Arthur Gilly (UK), Eoin McKinney (UK), Stephen Montgomery (USA), Kylie James (UK), Clelia Peano (Italy), Stephen Sawcer (UK), David Schlessinger (USA), Nicola Segata (Italy), Carlo Sidore (Italy), Nicole Soranzo (UK), John Todd (UK), Eleftheria Zeggini (UK).
Course Week: July 9th – 13th, 2018 Registration: Free of charge for all attendees selected participants will pay for their accommodation and travel expenses. A limited number of fellowships covering both registration and accommodation will be offered Selection based on: CV, motivational letter, and reference letter Applications Deadline: May 15th, 2018 Maximum number of partecipants: 40 Location: Polaris TechnoPark, Pula, Sardinia (Italy)
Course Directors: Francesco Cucca, Marcella Devoto, Giovanni Romeo