Agenzia Stampa Aspapress

Autorizzazione Tribunale di Forlì 6/91 del 8 marzo 1991 - Anno XXXII - Registro Nazionale della Stampa 02659 - Registro Operatori Comunicazioni n. 1187 - Direttore Editoriale e responsabile Enzo Fasoli - Casella postale 19152 - 00173 Roma Cinecittà est - Responsabile dati: Carlo Carbone - Capo redattore Cristiano Rocchi. Associazione Periodici Associati: Presidente Enzo Fasoli - Responsabile settore: Angelo Misseri - Redazione: Vincenzo Giannone, Daniela Zappavigna.

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17 marzo 2020


 ANNO XXX N. 55 DEL 17 MARZO 2020

Over the past week, the spread of the Covid-19 virus and associated Government travel restrictions, many of which have been imposed without notice, have had a significant and negative impact on the schedules of all Ryanair Group Airlines.
Over the past 7 days, Italy, Malta, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Greece, Morocco, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Poland, Norway and Cyprus have imposed flight bans of varying degrees, from all flights to/from the country, or banned flights to/from countries with high risk of Covid infection. Over the weekend for example, Poland and Norway have banned all international flights, while in other countries (without travel bans) there has been severe reduction of ATC and essential airport services.
Ryanair expects the result of these restrictions will be the grounding of the majority of its aircraft fleet across Europe over the next 7 to 10 days. In those countries where the fleet is not grounded, social distancing restrictions may make flying to all intents and purposes, impractical, if not, impossible.
For April and May, Ryanair now expects to reduce its seat capacity by up to 80%, and a full grounding of the fleet cannot be ruled out. Ryanair is taking immediate action to reduce operating expenses, and improve cash flows. This will involve grounding surplus aircraft, deferring all capex and share buybacks, freezing recruitment and discretionary spending, and implementing a series of voluntary leave options, temporarily suspending employment contracts, and significant reductions to working hours and payments. We are working with our people and our unions across all EU countries to address this extraordinary and unprecedented Covid-19 event, the impact and duration of which is, at this time, impossible to determine.
The Ryanair Group has strong liquidity, with strong cash and cash equivalents of over €4bn as at 12 March. Our focus now is on completing as much of the scheduled flying program as is permitted by National Governments over the next 7 days, so that we can repatriate customers, where possible, even as flight bans are imposed and ATC and essential airport services are reduced. We have seen a substantial decline in bookings over the last 2 weeks, and we expect this will continue for the foreseeable future. We will continue to monitor demand, as well as Government flight restrictions, and we will continue to make further cuts to schedules as necessary.
Ryanair's Michael O'Leary said:
"At the Ryanair Group Airlines, we are doing everything we can to meet the challenge posed by the Covid-19 outbreak, which has over the last week caused extraordinary and unprecedented travel restrictions to be imposed by National Governments, in many cases with minimal or zero notice. We are communicating with all affected passengers by email and SMS, and we are organising rescue flights to repatriate customers, even in those countries where travel bans have been imposed. Our priority remains the health and welfare of our people and our passengers, and we are doing everything we can to ensure that they can be reunited with their friends and families during these difficult times.
Ryanair is taking all actions necessary to cut operating expenses, and improve cash flows at each of our airlines. Ryanair is a resilient airline group, with a very strong balance sheet, and substantial cash liquidity, and we can, and will, with appropriate and timely action, survive through a prolonged period of reduced or even zero flight schedules, so that we are adequately prepared for the return to normality, which will come about sooner rather than later as EU Governments take unprecedented action to restrict the spread of Covid-19".

Ryanair è la prima compagnia aerea a ricevere il sigillo "OK Codacons"
Ryanair è stata premiata con due su tre trifogli - viola e blu - e ha anche avviato la procedura per ottenere il trifoglio giallo sulla base del suo impegno ambientale come compagnia aerea più verde e pulita d'Europa.
Trifoglio viola: Azienda affidabile con contratti customer-friendly, termini e condizioni trasparenti e un servizio clienti efficiente.
Trifoglio blu: Azienda 4.0 con un sito Web intuitivo, una politica sui cookie trasparente e un uso corretto dei social media. 
About Ryanair
Ryanair Holdings Plc, il più grande gruppo aereo europeo, è la società madre di Buzz, Lauda, Malta Air & Ryanair DAC. Il gruppo trasporta oltre 151 milioni di passeggeri p.a. su oltre 2.400 voli giornalieri da 82 basi, collegando oltre 200 destinazioni in 40 paesi con una flotta di oltre 470 aeromobili, con ulteriori 210 Boeing 737 in ordine, che consentiranno a Ryanair Holdings di abbassare le tariffe e di aumentare il traffico a 200 milioni di passeggeri p.a. entro l'anno fiscale 2025. Ryanair Holdings ha un team di oltre 19.000 professionisti altamente qualificati nel settore dell'aviazione che assicurano il primato in Europa per puntualità e un record di sicurezza da 34 anni. Ryanair è il gruppo di compagnie aeree più verde d'Europa e i clienti che scelgono un volo Ryanair possono ridurre le loro emissioni di CO fino al 50% rispetto alle altre 4 maggiori compagnie aeree dell'UE.